Child Relocation
In Family Law one of the most challenging things is the relocation of a parent and a minor child. A parent with primary child custody may need to relocate around due to a work transfer or the remarriage of one of the parties. In such a situation, if they plan to move more than 50 miles away from their current home, the parent may face the challenge of seeking permission from the non-custodial parent.
At the Law Office of John Vernon Moore P.A., our family law lawyers have the necessary expertise and knowledge to handle all sorts of cases of child relocation. Our lawyers are well versed in Family Law cases in Florida. Contact us today to ensure that the rights of your children are protected.
Child Relocation in Florida
Only in recent years has Florida enacted tight child custody and relocation laws. It wasn’t long ago that a parent, with a minor child, could move out of state without any problems. However, Chapter 61 of the Florida Statutes was changed by the Florida Legislature in 2006 to include more strict requirements for parents considering relocation to protect the interests of the child.
If a custodial parent wants to relocate the child to another city or travel out of state, it may affect the other parent’s visitation rights. It can also conflict with the child and the parent who is not in custody. Florida law requires that custodial parents contact non-custodial parents who are not in custody to receive consent prior to relocation. If both parents support the transfer, they will have to make a written statement to the courts.
If relocation is allowed, the Court can enter an order addressing various methods of communication between the child and the non-relocating parent (including email, mobile phone, etc.). The current child support payment must also be discussed to account for the extra cost of travel that may occur. Because a range of statutory obligations and legal timelines for child custody and relocation cases are now implemented, these disputes are also difficult and require assistance of an experienced attorney.
Contact our office for Child Relocation matters in Florida
If you are a parent considering relocation or wish to restrict the relocation of a child, it is important that you consult from an experienced family law attorney. Our Florida divorce attorneys at The Law Office of John Vernon Moore, P.A., have experience in successfully litigating child custody and relocation cases. Please get in touch today.

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